Apr 10, 2010

Vera Screams

2001: A Space Odyssey, #2, pg., panel

One of my favorite Kirby/Royer illustrations. A mind-blowing image from the story "Vira the She-Demon."

In the story Vira with an "i" is an ancient version of a feminist/magician who convinces the befuddled cavemen she is a goddess; Vera with an "e," who is featured in this image, is an outer space explorer who undergoes a startling transformation."

I love Mike Royer's deliniation of the cosmic energy on this piece.
Great examples of Kirby "crackle," black dots and flashes of light perfected by Joe Sinnott in the 1960s, and executed wonderfully by Royer in the 1970s.
Here is Vera at the beginning of her consciousness-expanding journey. "Wha-!?"